I have to admit, I do listen to our dysfunctional congress.  I call them servants, and that is what they are supposed to be… Our Servants..

The duplicity of the system, the half truths,  the lies are becoming glaringly clear, letting us know, the current system is about to fall.  Collapse from within with very little assistance from outside forces.  I listen to the soundbites, and compare the words spoken to the actions taken.  I mean if you want to find the lie, look to what is actually done in comparison to the promise made.

Ok, we get it, all the senseless wars were really for profit wars, the banking system on this country works off your credit with no risk to bankers and all the risk is forced on taxpayers and investors.  Our servants engage in Crony Capitalism, and will at all times protect their own business interest, and the companies that feed their business interest. My question, when do we say enough is enough?

We have all heard the Government Lies… they have lied about history, about weapons of mass destruction, 911, our economy, the 2008 crisis, and now Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Really, how long until we are just done?

We pay to have so many agencies working for us, but yet nothing gets done, and if something happens to get done, it is never in favor of the American People.  Some of us have already started to figure this out, that’s why they don’t vote, or participate in this foolish system.  We have begun to see how a Driver’s License is really just a credit card for the system.  How everything and everyone, from Federal, State, and local governments, along with those companies hand picked to profit are feeding off you.

How do your servants have better health care, better retirement funds, better pay, and above all, more opportunity than the you?  I get it, it’s a big, frightening, intimidating machine, and most fear it will roll over you if you challenge it.  Well, if we don’t start to challenge it, it will continue to grow, like a cancer.

What if we, The People, on a massive scale just stopped participating?  We refused to use a drivers license, we refused to register our autos, we refused to pay taxes, we refused to pay so called loans or credit cards, we refused to vote, we refused to show up in a court, we just flat out refused all of it?  How long do you the system would survive without us?

Know this, it would fall tomorrow.  They keep us distracted with Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Black, White, Immigration, LGTB, Religion….the list of labels is endless…..the list of issues is endless… when really it all a smoke screen to keep the system in Business.  Yes, Business.  It’s a for profit system, that only profits off of us.

Are you tired of it yet?  Is this what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind?  Are you ready to drop the bullshit and do something? Learn something?  Then join us on Tuesday’s at 11am EST for the Consumer INTELLIGENCE Bureau’s Debt and Economics Show.  Don’t be fooled, all issues lead to debt and economics….Personal, Family, Household.


CIB Debt and Economics Show.

Call in number:  (425) 292-4103 / http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thorministryradio

Email: admin@thorlawgroup.com






FDCPA, What you Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

Most people don’t think or even ever heard of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA), but understand what it is about.  It is PROTECTION FOR THE CONSUMER!

Let’s start with what a Consumer is.  You need to understand that a Consumer is the life blood of all commerce, the entire economy and the FDCPA is the LAW that protects you. Well it not only protects you, but also your Family.  You, as a Consumer dictate what business stays in business, and when you can’t purchase, spend, or lend, the entire economy crashes.  Another part of the definition is PERSONAL, FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD, or PFH for short. The definition of “Economy” is “household management”, and that is exactly why you must be protected, and what the FDCPA helps you do, manage and protect your consumer wealth.  It is also the Only place in Law that describes you, as a NATURAL PERSON, meaning you can do something nobody else can, CREATE.  So remember above where I said, Consumer’s Lend, well don’t be confused, I will explain as we go along…

So you have general idea of what a Consumer is, how important Consumers are, let’s get to what Debt is…  Debt is everything.  Traffic tickets, taxes, child support, along with mortgages, credit cards, and insurance.  Yes, it is all debt, and should be treated the same, because it is directly related or created from PFH.  Debt is created when Consumers lend Credit.  How did I arrive at this conclusion?  Simple, Consumer’s are the ones with CREDIT.  We all know, and have known for a long time, BANKS DON’T LEND.  If you didn’t know that, look up exactly what “fractionalized banking” is.  In a nutshell, the extension of any credit is your own, banks don’t have credit.  They don’t pull money from their own account to lend, and they CAN NOT pull depositors money to give to you. All they do is take the asset (note, credit agreement) and add it to the assets of the bank.  In doing this, they also add a liability, or debt to the other side of the books.  That’s the simple part, I won’t get into Securitization right now, but it’s another thing you should look up.  Point is, your not only the Consumer, but also the Creditor.  You are both.  So who does the debt belong to?  Well it would be the Banks debt.  Why, because they didn’t lend, but are using your credit as an asset.  So if you think about it, the Consumer is the only one that risked anything.  If the bank didn’t lend, what did they risk? Nothing, so if you didn’t pay it back, would they be out anything? Really, you should be asking, Why are they not paying you? Lastly, why are debt collectors all up in your face attempting to get you to pay for the banks use of your credit?  Simple, because if you really knew how the entire system worked, you wouldn’t participate, and they need you to participate or you would participate but on your terms, not theirs.  Think of a world where the bank pays you interest on your note, and the use of your credit, instead of the other way around.  Things would be different wouldn’t they….yes they would, but let’s keep going.

The debt you created and defaulted on is sold for pennies on the dollar.  I mean PENNIES! Like 5 cents per dollar.  So debt collectors purchase a $1000.00 debt for about $50.  Get it, then they try to collect the entire $1000.  When you pay, the debt collector is making $950 on a debt owed to you for the extension of your credit.  An amount you lent the bank.  I really want you to think though that.  If you owed a bank $1000, and they really lent you something, would they really just sell it for $50? Hell no!  They would not!  Is it starting to click yet?  If you lent your friend $100, wouldn’t you expect the whole $100 back? Would you just sell it for 5 bucks?  No, you would not, you would want to recoup as much as you can in selling it off, at least half.  So now you understand why banks do it.

Now the FDCPA are the rules that Debt Collectors MUST follow in order to collect a debt.  First, they have to find you.  Well finding you generally involves Identity Theft.  Yes, this would include the debt collector having your Social Security number, which is used in Skip Tracing, or to pull records from the Credit Reporting Agencies.  In mortgage foreclosure they just go to the crime scene which is the County Recorder.  Point is, it’s information they should not have.  So they have violated Sub-section B, just by finding out where to send a letter, or “dunning notice”, or your phone number.  Many times, in an effort to find you, they will call your family members, or non family members who have the same last name… No matter what, they have to violate in order to find you.

Now let’s figure out what communication is.  Communication is Any Medium.  Phone, email, mail, etc.. any medium.  Sub-section C is where you will find out how they can communicate with you.  The very first part, 1692 c, states: Without the PRIOR CONSENT OF THE CONSUMER GIVEN DIRECTLY TO THE DEBT COLLECTOR…  Here we go.  That means, no calls, no letters, no emails, stating you owe anything unless they have asked for and been given YOUR CONSENT.  Understand what this means.  When you receive a dunning notice, or a phone call, you want to simply ask questions.  Such as Who are You?, How did You get my Information?  State you don’t know them, etc..

Remember how your mother told you Never to talk to Strangers?  Well her advice will come in handy right at this point.  This is a STRANGER!  Do you as a rule talk about your personal business with strangers?  If Joe blow sitting at the bus stop asked for your PIN code, or bank account number, etc… would you give him the information?  Hell no you would not.  So why when a stranger calls you or sends you a letter would it be any different?

Here’s the trick.  Debt collectors will use a 2nd hand info, a transaction you may recognize to get you to give your consent.  This is how Strangers enter your home.  They play on your guilt, your recognition of a consumer transaction from long ago, just to get past the door way, just for you to invite them in.  So don’t do it.  Here, I will give you an example of a phone call.

Consumer (C): Hello.

Debt Collector (DC): Hi is this Tiffany?

(C):  Who is calling?

(DC) This Joe, from ABC Law Firm

(C) What can I do for you Joe?

(DC)  Is this Tiffany?  I need to know if I am speaking to Tiffany.

(C)  Well Joe, what do you need Tiffany for, and how did you get this number?

(DC)  I am calling on behalf of Widget Bank in reference to an account Tiffany has.

(C)  So you work at the bank?

(DC) No, I am calling in reference to an account Tiffany has.

(C)  Well, I can have Tiffany call the bank herself.  I don’t give out information over the phone, and I am not familiar with you.  So at this time I cannot answer any questions.

(DC) Can I confirm Tiffany’s address is blah, blah, blah.

(C) Again, I’m sorry but I cannot answer any questions as I am not familiar with you, your employer, or you firm.  Good day. Click.

Get it, don’t give in, don’t give out info, don’t make it easy for them, DON’T GIVE YOUR CONSENT!  Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and treat them all like strangers.  Including if you get a dunning notice in the mail.  Don’t jump to a dispute notice right away, (1692G), stay right at your front door. You write out your I don’t know you, I refuse to pay a debt, get out of my business letter.   You don’t know them, don’t let them in!

The 2nd of 1692 C is “permission from a court of competent jurisdiction”.  So what would that be?  Well, the FDCPA is Federal Law, so I guess the only competent court would be a Federal Court.  Meaning if the debt collector wants to even as you a question, they can go to a Federal Court and ask a judge for permission to speak with you.  Now that’s just permission to speak to you, not to collect from you.

Those two pieces alone are gold.  You can stop debt collectors with just that.  Really, if they purchased something for $50 bucks, are they going to file in court to just speak with you?  No, odds are, they drop you, and go after somebody that has not read this blog! It costs $400 to file in the Federal Court.  So trust me, they will move on depending on how much the debt is.



Join us on Tuesday’s at 11 am EST on Blog Talk Radio.  Call in 563-999-3671 or log on at:


Email us at:   admin@thorlawgroup.com for a list of Consumer Classes






The Underestimated Power of the FDCPA

Too many people fall for a promise.  What makes us as people unable to discern truth form falsehood?  Is the promise?  Think about it, preachers promise salvation, guru’s promise to make your problems go away, and financial con artist promise wealth.  These types of people have built empires off of our ignorance, and our believing in something outside ourselves.  So here is some simple truth and the harsh reality.  As long as you keep placing your hopes, happiness, and path to wealth outside yourself, you will continue to be a victim of every scam and the system. Banks, churches, courts, even Bernie Madoff, lived a good life off of nothing of their own.  They used and continue to use what we own, what we have, and what we create to generate wealth for themselves.

I know many have a hard time believing in Consumer Protection in general, and will dismiss the FDCPA as ineffective. Once you understand what it is, how to enforce, and most of all, make debt collectors respect it, you will have a whole new prospective on the FDCPA.  Now you are ducking calls and ditching debt collection letters.  Once you see the value of that can be derived form those that don’t follow the rules, you will never go back to avoiding phone calls, or fearing your mailbox.

Face it, we all have debt, we have all lived beyond our means at one time or another.  However, who has the right to collect on those mistakes?  More importantly, if somebody wants to collect, they should have rules to follow. So what did the 1976 Congress have in mind when they were drafting the FDCPA?  Every time I read it, I see more of it’s brilliance. I see how it fits into every part of my life.

This Congress knew that we as consumers are the life blood of the nation.  We are the only true source of wealth and value and must be protected.

Well for starters they knew we would all be idiots at one time or another.  We would not know to ask the right questions, and we would not want to appear incompetent, so we wouldn’t ask any questions.  We would nod, say we understand, and sign the document.  We would get into trouble, get in over our heads, because we failed to ask questions.  So the drafters covered our incompetence.  We are termed “least sophisticated”. So “trickery” and misrepresentation are violations of the FDCPA, for that reason.

The FDCPA allows us to hold court.  We get to gather evidence, dismiss, discharge, adjudicate, and get compensated for holding court. No where else do consumers get to be unsophisticated, and yet wield such power.

The drafters knew that because we are the only source of wealth, the top 10%, banks, courts, city, state, county, or local governments would always try to extract that wealth and call it anything other than debt collection.  The drafters knew we would not all be educated, so they wrote the law in “plain language”,  so we could always see that no matter what they called the wealth extraction, Foreclosure, tickets, taxes, judgments, breach of contract, or unjust enrichment, to name a few, it is truly only debt collection.

The drafters made it easy to find ourselves.  If a transaction is for Personal, Family, or Household Purposes, it’s a consumer transaction.  No matter what was done to the transaction afterward, it remains a consumer transaction.

The drafters made it easy to figure out who the parties are.  If your not a consumer/creditor, you are a debt collector.  Not a lot of options.  So basically if you are not me, you are a debt collector, and these are the rules a debt collector must abide by to the CONSMERS SATISFACTION, or suffer the consequences.  Failure to satisfy the consumer will result in the consumer enforcing their protections, via a their private right of action, or Federal Court Action if need be.

So maybe, it’s time to start making promises to yourself.  Making a promise to yourself means your responsible for the fulfillment of that promise.  If you fail to fulfill that promise, you are only a victim of your own inaction. Nobody else to blame.  CIB wants you to place your belief in yourself, not gurus, attorneys, or a legal system.

The drafters of the FDCPA believed the consumer was worth protecting.  They also believed the consumer could be trusted with enforcing those protections, and be compensated for that enforcement.

How did a congress from 41 years ago know what we would be facing today?  How did they foresee the mess we are in, and give us the tools to get ourselves out?  Most importantly, how did the congress from 41 years ago place more belief and trust in us, than we have in ourselves? Learn the FDCPA, make a promise to yourself, and learn to believe in yourself again. It is your insurance plan and the simplest way for you to protect your Kingdom.

So the next time your friend or relative invites you to their church, asks you to get in on the ground floor of the latest Pyrimd scheme or Multi-level Marketing Plan, or asking you to tune into the most current Guru Process, send them a copy of the FDCPA.  Then tell them you already go to your own church, and your Consumer Kingdom is Perfectly Protected.


Join us Tuesday at 11 am EST (425) 292-4103


Email: Admin@thorlawgroup.com


CIB: The Consumer Intelligence Bureau





The Real Economy Vs. The Financial Economy

What is the Real Economy?  Well it’s the one that makes all prosperus.  It’s the one that pays wages, makes products, and grows the GDP of any country.  It works very simply.  Businesses create and make products, the business employs people and pays wages, the people use their income to buy more products.  Now this cycle is unlimited, the more that can be created, the more people employed, the more wages paid, the more people buy.  The cycle sustains and grows, and actually creates money.

Now the Financial Economy only creates money when you go into debt.  Banks take your instrument, note, or credit, use it as an asset, meaning they deposit the instrument.  In a simple version, the IOU we created with our signature becomes a bank deposit or asset. This allows the bank to borrow more funds form the Central Bank, or Federal Reserve. Which in turn creates money. Debt for you is credit for the bank.

This also is an unlimited supply of money as long as the banks can find people willing to go into debt.  When the debt is repaid, it effectively is destroyed, because there was no real labor done to create it, nor is there a real product in the end.  It is simply an IOU.  In order to keep this cycle going, the banks must continue to find people willing to go into debt.  In order for me to pay my debt, somebody must take on debt.  There is no income derived from debt, only more debt.

Now none of this contributes to the Real Economy, it only takes away from the Real Economy.  The more consumers and businesses servicing debt via principle and interest payments, the less money circulating in the Real Economy.  So no new jobs are being created, no business expansion or economic growth.  All the money to service debt goes into the Financial Economy and is either destroyed, or in the case of interest payments, stays in the Financial Economy.

This is why when we pay debt, we end up in a recession.  It takes money out of the economy. When we want to give the appearance of a strong economy, “we have to get the banks lending again”, so debt becomes “cheap”, via low interest rates. The debt creates money which flows into the economy making it seem as though we are doing well, we have money in our pockets, but we are really only living off of debt.  We use our credit cards to purchase more products, which signals to business that we are doing better, they use debt to expand, take on more employees, etc… UNTIL….

When the debt burden becomes too large, the entire economy collapses.  Meaning consumers reach the limit of the debt they can sustain, they stop buying, or consuming because they have to service the debt.  Business have an over supply, because consumers stopped buying, and now business are also unable to service the debt.  Businesses have to start cutting jobs, which leaves the consumers unemployed and unable to service their debt.

This creates the Boom and Bust Cycle we are so used to seeing.  When debt reaches it’s unsustainable limit, the bottom falls out.  Now we get into words like default, garnishment, foreclosure, repossession, unemployment, etc..  These Booms just change products.  The Dot Com bust, led to the Housing Boom, the Financial Crisis of 2008 is how that one ended.

The simple fact of economics is Creation, Labor, and Income, these produce a Real Sustainable, Growing Economy.  Something must be created, a tangible something, not just an IOU for the economy to grow. It’s the difference between an IOU which is a piece of paper, and a widget, something useful, lasting, tangible.

Now the Financial Economy continually sucks money out of the Real Economy in the form of Interest.  Money paid in Interest is money not circulating in the Real Economy.  It goes to the Financial Economy where it disappears into the pockets of the top 10%.  Banks pay a larger majority of there employees minimum wage, or just above.  Only to top executives and investors get the million dollar packages.  Example, Jamie Dimon made what over 30 million in a year, while a Chase Bank Teller makes roughly $7 to 10$ an hour.   Do you see where the money goes?  It’s the transfer of wealth on a mass scale.  From you to the top 10%.  From businesses to the top 10%.

If we want a sustainable economy, we must stop paying into the system of debt.  What is debt anyway?  You should ask yourself that question.  What did the bank give you?  Did they loan you money,  or just provide for the use of your credit?  At the beginning of this, I told you the answer.  You gave the bank an instrument, a note, etc… which they deposited.  Pretty much like writing a check, which the bank deposited.  I never said they gave you a loan, just took your check and made it a “bank asset”.

Should you pay or be paid for your creation?  It’s your credit the bank is using as an asset.  So did you lend, or did the bank?  You might want to find out…..


Join us Tuesday 11am EST (425)-292-4103


Email: Admin@thorlawgroup.com






Interest, How Wealth is Transferred.

Everybody wonders how exactly the top 10% get a hold of the wealth from the bottom 90%. You know the old adage, the Rich just keep getting Richer. Well one of the main components is INTERST.

Ever really look at any of your statements, credit cards, mortgage, etc…?  Ever notice how the interest you pay is always taken first.?  Especially in a mortgage situation.  Take a good look at your Truth In Lending Statement, or Amortization Schedule.  It will tell you the amount you will pay with principle and interest in total.  The amount of interest over 30 years is generally 3 times the amount of principle.  Here is the kicker, that interest is paid first.  Yes, more of your monthly payment will go to interest before paying on the principle.  With a mortgage, you are paying future interest, or interest not even earned yet.

Now understand, this money goes directly into the Financial Economy, not the Real Economy.  The Real Economy is the business economy.  A company creates products, gives you a wage, you buy the product, the company is profitable.  The money stays in the cycle, and the economy grows.  The Financial Economy is just that.  It’s the banks.  The banks do not create products, and are not a part of the cycle of the Real Economy, but they take from the Real Economy.

The Financial Economy is built on debt.  They create money via debt, and when debt is repaid, the money they created is destroyed.  So for every dollar of money created, there is a dollar of debt. Hence why when we repay debt on a mass scale, we go into a recession.  If we all paid every single penny of debt today, we would crash the economy.  In order for one to pay debt, somebody else must go into deeper debt.  This is true of business debt also, same cycle. Business run into the same trouble.  The servicing of debt or repaying debt takes from the real economy.  People can’t use income to buy products because they are servicing debt.  Business can’t  expand, because they are servicing debt.

Now for the transfer of wealth.  That would be the interest paid on the debt.  The interest goes directly to the bank and is not recycled in the Real Economy.  It is paid to the Financial Economy and stays there.  Now yes, banks pay wages, but the majority of the profit banks make goes only to the top executives.  Most low level workers make minimum wage.  The interest is paid up front and goes directly into the pockets of the top 10%.

The same top 10% that invest in the Credit Bureaus.  Every wonder why you have to jump through hoops to get something removed, or deleted from your credit report?  Well there are powerful people who would like to keep your score low.  The lower your credit score, the higher your interest rate, higher insurance premiums, the more money in their pockets and less money in the Real Economy.

In order for us to start moving our economic interest out of the hands of the Financial Economy, we need to start at the basics.  One, fix your credit score.  Second, be careful of how much debt you take on.  The less debt, the less money going to the Financial Economy.  Use debt wisely, use your credit wisely.


Join us Tuesday at 11am EST (425) 292-4103


Email: Admin@thorlawgroup.com





Tomi Lahren VS. Colin Kaepernick


Here we go again….. Don’t get me wrong, I love an outspoken person, but please say something relevant.  Don’t say all the canned BS that has been said for centuries and has NEVER led to a solution.  Miss Lahren was defending the Flag and denouncing Mr. Kaepernick’s actions.  I think everybody seems to miss the point, especially Lahren.  She is so busy being “patriotic”, she fails to see the actual issue.

The Flag and National Anthem of this country are all symbols of the people that came before us.  Does not matter who, and we so often forget the what.  So for a second, forget that George Washington was white, and Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were black.  These symbols carry our scars, mistakes, ills, events, etc.. they are symbols of where we started, and how far we have come as a Nation of Living  Men and Women. They are all encompassing of the history and life of the United States of America and most importantly what we are to become in the future. Just like our lives, we sometimes have to learn as we go, on the job training so to speak.  Just like in our lives, knowing what we know at 40 would have greatly assisted us when we were 20.  This country is not different. It is made up of Living Men and Women, and yes it will need correction in the future, just as it did in the past.

It is safe to call both the Flag and the National Anthem “institutions”.  The definition of “institution”: A custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society.

So when we look at  kneeling in protest of that institution, we should stop and think about the relationship of all people to that institution.  If we look upon those symbols and institutions to speak for all that this country is, we also have to speak of  every Man’s relationship to that institution.

Meaning if people of one race, or creed, or color have to have different conversations with their kids and loved ones about how to deal with a traffic stop, then their is a problem with that institution.  Considering not having the conversation could mean a life. Looking at statics, the economic advancement of one segment of society is less, or educational opportunities are not equal, our prison system does not reflect the diversity of the population, or even that we have to check a box every where we go, for whatever we do, to assure that “fairness” and “equal opportunity” practices are being followed.

So, if the customs, practices, or behavioral patterns of the institution affect the relationship of a segment of society to that institution, how would that segment of society get the point across?  Well, I guess they would protest the symbols of that institution as a signal that something is very wrong within the institution, and maybe we should look at that problem.

So yes, I am as Patriotic as they come, but I also know this “institution” has made mistakes, done horrible things, but it has also had the ability to correct those mistakes of the past because we as a People decided to correct it.  We as a People, of all races confronted, fought and died for that institution.  We as a People noticed one man kneeling, one fist in the air, fire hoses, men and women being used as “commodities” and traded as “property”, or even a protest of many in the streets.  We as a People noticed and enforced the change necessary. We as an “institution” of Living People know that Freedom is not Free at all.

We as a People Chose to Live up the main idea of our institution, “THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”.

So my advice to Miss Lahren, get a clue!  Maybe close your mouth, listen, and think, or better yet, read the Bill of Rights, only this time pretend your not white… All the statics in the world won’t change the fact that Men of a particular hue are being used for target practice, by an institution within the institution.  The result is a senseless loss of life. Kaepernick is just telling you there is a problem with the Institution, and only we as a People have the ability to solve it. So Miss Lahren should get on board or jump ship, but either way, SHUT THE HELL UP!


Join us Tuesday 11am EST (563)-999-3671




Email: admin@thorlawgroup.com

Is India’s only answer a CASHLESS SOCIETY?

As many of you know, India is changing out it’s currency. The 500 and 1000 denomination Rupees will no longer be legal tender after Dec. 30, 2016.  Which has created chaos with people rushing to exchange bills before the deadline.  Aside for the banks running out of the new cash, there are several other problems.

Such as the rules of exchange and / or opening new accounts.  One individual can only exchange up to 2000 rupees, one time, anything over that amount they need to open an account and deposit the excess.  To make sure there are no extra exchanges, people are marked with indelialbe ink, and their ID’s are tracked. The first problem, only half of the people have bank accounts, and over 300 million people don’t have ID. Those 300 million are just SOL….

Now I totally get the reason for this.  In India, 90% of all transactions are done in cash, including real estate sales and transfers.  So that is a lot of untaxed commerce going on.  Also, people have a tendency to horde that cash, so it is serving no other economic purpose but taking up space.  I do believe in taxes, I like nice roads, and safe bridges, and they must be paid for, so, yeah, some taxes are good things.

But in India, there is a whole shadow economy, or black money economy going on.  It runs on cash, and is completely out of the government’s reach, meaning it’s not taxed at all.  Most people engaged in the black money hold their wealth not only in cash, but in real estate, gold, silver, and jewelry, tangible things.  So this move will only flush out part of that underground, the part held in cash. The vast majority of the people don’t engage in the black money economy, or probably do not know that they are.

The policy is to also catch tax evaders.  There are caps on the amount of cash that can be deposited w/o raising red flags, or sparking tax investigations.  If one were to deposit cash over the cap, they will be investigated and must prove they paid tax on the excess. This policy has caused some to just throw away the old cash! Garbage bags and pillow cases full of cash just floating down the Ganges.  Here is the idea, just take the loss now and don’t risk a tax investigation, when the new cash is active, the people will just continue their cash business with the new cash.

Point is, this policy alone will not solve India’s problem.  They need to institute more structural reforms, such as updated anti – graft laws, and tougher penalties on tax evasion.  This move alone will not cure the corruption or tax evasion.  Once the new cash is instituted, the 90% cash business will return with the new cash.

Moving slowly toward a cashless society is India’s best bet.  The US has slowly been moving that way. Really, how many people actually carry cash anymore?  We all use debt cards and trust the banks won’t fail.  Which brings up the question, what is cash?  Well, opposite to most beliefs, it really is just credit in physical form, and it too can be devalued and replaced.  American’s have come to that conclusion slowly over time.  We have grown used to paying taxes, and allowing our Government to tax and track our every move.

For India, they need to spend time updating the structure before shocking their entire economic way of life.  This policy was not thought out well, nor are there any back up plans.  As always the case with Government planning.  Push the policy before the structure.  The US is not immune to way of thought, look at Obama-care.  Policy before a functioning website…. Get it…Seems the cure is as bad as the cancer….


Join CIB Tuesday at 11am EST (425)292-4103




Email: admin@thorlawgroup.com



Is the World Shifting???

I don’t mean actually physically shifting, but people’s minds shifting.  All over the world, people are rebelling against the “establishment”.  Such as the Brixit, and the election of Donald Trump.  Things never thought possible two years ago.

Of course this is hidden in the main stream media, they don’t want you to know that people all over the world are fed up with others running their lives, and economy.  We have been in a ditch since the 2008 financial crisis.  Nothing has really moved except the will of the people.

The main stream media had no clue that Trump would win.  Nobody really did. We can’t deny the sentiment behind the Trump win.  I personally don’t think he will change anything, but I am for something different than politics as usual.  Well we thought he was something different, but at the moment he is stocking his cabinet with the same old people, with stale ideas, and the only shift we will see is the swing from democrat policies to republican polices.

In Europe, we see old politicians worried about their fate. They see the Trump election as a threat to all of their careers.  Merkel, Holland, and several others face tough elections next year.  There is a anti-eruozone populace rising up.  The idea of one currency and one monetary policy for 19 countries is and idea doomed from the start.  Considering once your in, your in, no getting out, sounds like the Mafia.  On top of that, it’s the Socialist, progressive crap that goes along with it.  Government control, central state, central planning, read one Orwell book and you will see the flaw.  All the countries must comply with the mandates and budget agenda of the EU.  Most are already in trouble of not meeting those agendas, growth targets, or even debt targets.  The countries on the warning list are, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania, and Slovenia. What to do with Greece is still up in the air. The single currency union is about to die away.

China has begun to wall itself off from the rest of the world.  They are beginning to limit the reach of the internet, via it’s clamp down on Apple.  The EU the same thing.  Limit and control information. Only allow what you approve. Russia has built it’s own sovereign internet.  It’s own version of Facebook etc…. Countries on the whole are withdrawing form the dream of globalization.

While China and Russia, are separate problems, with just about every country in Europe you see a change coming.  Greenland changed their banking system, no more fractionalized banking.  The Swiss also have a referendum coming on the same thing, next year.

On Sunday, the Italians will be voting on their constitutional referendum. The decision is to give the government more control, or less.  With their banking system on the verge of collapse, and a growing anti-eu feeling, odds are the vote will be no more power given to the government. In which PM Renzi will lose control and be voted out.

In Spain we have another banking crisis brewing, and a succession of Catalonia from Spain.  Portuguese banks are also in trouble.  By the way, both had bail outs, but the bailouts didn’t fix the problem.  Just like Greece, which is on their third bailout since 2008.  Common Sense is just Debt has to be dealt with, borrowing more is really not the answer.  There have been reports of France’s banks not doing so hot either.

Add to all that, Deutsche bank is still not out of the woods.  Yes, they shed 9000 jobs, and closed up shop in 10 countries, but they still have a $14 Billion penalty with the US DOJ to negotiate, and about 79 Trillion in derivatives to unwind. They may soon need a bailout, but if Merkel does give in to a bailout, she will lose the election.  All that and we have not even touched the immigration crisis.  All I have to say, is no wonder Britain voted to leave.

Point being, people all around the globe are in revolt of the establishment, that is any establishment.  You can only control Nature for so long before Nature says no more…..especially when it’s all being run into the ground at the Consumers expense. Bailouts are always paid by the people.  Within every establishment, we have systemic abuse and corruption. It was only a matter of time until the people got fed up.

Somebody asked me if there would be a “global financial reset”.  I say yes, and I say it has already started….


Join us Tuesday 11 am EST (425)292-4103




Email: admin@thorlawgroup.com



Standing as A Servicer???

Sometimes it is necessary to read case law or cases for what they are…such as the following.

PNC BANK, N.A., Defendant.

In this case the Shallenburgs’s asked for a jury trial on all issues triable by right.  The long and short of it, the Servicer tried to strike the issue, stating that the clause in the mortgage “waives the Shallenburg’s right to a jury trial.

The Court decision on the matter, was the Servicer “lacked standing” because they are not a party to the mortgage.  The Servicer also could not prove, nor did it try to prove creditor standing.

Here’s the deal.  A Servicer, or Debt Collector, is NEVER a CREDITOR!!! The only creditor is the original creditor, all assignee’s are nothing, but “third parties” to an alleged contract.  This is a foreclosure case, so if the Servicer does not have standing to enforce any clause under the allege contract, mortgage, how can it purport to foreclose?

Foreclosure is a “creditor” law or remedy.  Not for servicers, and now you see why!  The servicer cannot enforce the mortgage contract because it is not a party to the mortgage contract, nor a creditor.

It’s time to see foreclosure for what it really is, DEBT COLLECTION, and subject to the FDCPA.  The servicers will of course fight you tooth and nail on this, they could never steal your home using the laws that regulate them. Foreclosure done by a debt collector, servicer, etc… is a scam.  One the courts have been willing to go along with, or maybe, the tide is changing….this is the first time I have seen the language that the “servicer” is not a party to the contract.

Another part you must realize is simply, this ruling applied to the jury trial waiver, if the homeowner was smart, they would take this ruling and challenge the standing of the servicer in all respects, including the foreclosure itself.  If you can’t enforce one part of the contract, the servicer can’t enforce any part of the contract.  They are not a party to it!

That would be like my neighbors, father’s, mother, twice removed trying to steal my home! I hired a National Bank to service my mortgage, not you!  I did business with a National Bank, not a debt collector servicer.

The debt collector, servicer always comes in state court, under the disguise of a creditor. I just explained how they are never a creditor, simply because they were not a party to the original contract.  In state court, they can wear that disguise and enter bogus assignments etc… but they WILL NEVER BRING YOU INTO A PROPER JUDICIAL COURT, because that disguise and bogus crap would never fly. Which is why they always remand you to the state court due to Citizenship argument. Two important things here.

The Federal laws, like the FDCPA are not enforced, and can’t be enforced in a state court. The Servicer will always try to duck the law it cannot comply with, 15 USC 1692. There is no way to lawfully collect a debt, and the protections are yours to enforce, if you know them and more importantly know how.

Second, are you a state citizen, a State Citizen, or even a citizen of the United States, or a United States Citizen.  I know it sounds confusing and all the same, but trust me they are not all the same. A state is a unknown, foreign jurisdiction.  There is a difference between State (one of the 50 States and a territory of the United States of America) and a state, a created municipal third country.  Also, are you an American Citizen, a Citizen of the United States (Constitutional Citizen covered by the Bill of Rights, with Natural Rights) or a United States citizen which was given privileges and immunities, ( 14th Amendment citizen)?

You should get to know the difference.  One will allow you to control and enforce, the other will control and enforce you. One will limit them, the other limits you.  If you truly know who you are, you can enforce your protections and self govern. They always give you a choice, but without knowledge of choice, is it really a choice?


Join us at CIB Tuesday at 11 am EST (425)292-4103




email: admin@thorlawgroup.com





Well, you should know what ISDS is.  It is the Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement system for international trade.  Sounds harmless, but it’s not.  It is a clause or a part of nearly 3000 trade agreements worldwide, and was written into TPP and TTIP.

The initial idea of ISDS has been around since the 1950’s, and allows Corporations to protect their assets in foreign countries.  Meaning, a country cannot just seize a corporations funds, assets, or entire business without compensating the business. The idea of protection for the corporation bought much needed investment to under developed nations.  It worked for both corporations and the host state, or country.  Unfortunately it has devolved into something entirely different.

The ISDS is really a panel of 3 arbitrators, not a court, but truly a “tribunal”.   Lawyers for the corporation, and the country, state, or government argue if tenants of the a trade agreement have been broken.  The problem, the panel is not made up of judges, or officials, but generally private lawyers. No structure or functional law is used, and the arbitrators set the fee or monetary penalty for the country being sued.  Yes, only the corporation can bring suit in the ISDS, not a country or government.  The arbitrators are picked by both sides, meaning the corporation picks one, the country picks one, and the third is mutually agreed upon.

The new issue is the ISDS is being used to assist corporations and corporate executives to escape “criminal” charges such as money laundering, war profiteering, fraud, and human rights violations on a massive scale.  Cases for the ISDS have gone up from a few to over 700 cases as of right now, waiting to be decided.  ISDS also helps corporations escape charges and environmental regulations.

See the ISDS is written into trade agreements, even if a country changes it’s stance on the environment, or changes their form of government, or adds new laws to protect it’s citizens, the trade pact still stands.  The agreement itself is the only rule that will apply.  Meaning it can be used to change legislation, laws, and regulations of sovereign countries, without the input of the people of those countries. It is a way to extract wealth from countries and taxpayers w/o any democratic process.  The country and it’s people are held hostage, and either pay the penalties or change the laws to benefit the corporations.

Again, this is not a system of international law. It is private lawyers deciding for a country and it’s people.  When you understand that, you will understand how big and profitable this business of ISDS has become.  Wall Street, hedge funds and financiers have gotten in on the game.  Prowling for suits and bankrolling the arbitration, which payoff big in most cases with just a threat of litigation. Most countries are unwilling to take a chance on the tribunal, and just pay. The lawyers make big money for their part, about $1000.00 an hour just to be involved. Everybody is making money off the taxpayers in one way or another.

Countries don’t have their own money, neither do governments, they use taxpayer money to fight the suit, pay the lawyers fees, and if they lose, the taxpayers pay the fine, and the penalty is having a corporation dictate the laws of your country.

Recent US trade agreements, TPP and TTIP, would open the US up to more than another 9000 corporations that could bring suit in the ISDS.  That’s big money.  Also, that’s what happens when corporations are allowed to write trade pacts in secret.  This would be a New World Order of a different kind with Corporations, Wall Street, Hedge Funds, Financiers, and lawyers running everything…

Governments always talk about “transparency”, but few really want it.  This is why.  This is what happens in the backroom.  This is just another example of how corporations, banks, wall street, etc… all live off the CONSUMER.  They will sell it and spin it as jobs and opportunity, but really, it’s about profit and power.  Always taking yours, because they have nothing of their own….


CIB/Thor Radio Tuesday 11am EST (425)292-4103

http://www.blogtalkradio com/thorministryradio



Email: admin@thorlawgroup.com